Ham Radio 2000 #2
Ham Radio 2000 - Volume 2.iso
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Text File
720 lines
F T V Version 1.0
WEFAX, FAX, SSTV, RTTY and CW software
for Sound Blaster compatible hardware.
Copyright (C)1994-7, Brian E. Cauchi, 9H1JS. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
2. System requirements
3. Installation
Windows 95
Plug & Play Sound Cards Under MS-DOS
4. Calibration settings
5. Program start up and troubleshooting
6. Exploring the program
Cursor keys and Tab functions
Help screen and short-cut keys
Exercise 1: Pan and zoom
Exercise 2: Loading a picture
Exercise 3: Video control functions
Exercise 4: Noise reduction
Exercise 5: Image manipulation
Exercise 6: Loading a NOAA weather satellite image
Exercise 7: Loading a colour SSTV picture
Exercise 8: Loading a tape-recorded colour SSTV picture
7. Operation
Something on Sound Cards
WEFAX reception
FAX reception
SSTV reception
Colour SSTV reception
FAX / SSTV transmission
RTTY reception
CW reception
Further information
8. Advanced features
Automatic FAX reception
Scheduled FAX reception
FAX browser
9. License
Conditions for use
Registration and ordering
Contact information
FTV can be used to receive images from Weather Satellites and
Terrestrial Facsimile Stations, text transmissions from radio telex services,
Morse code, as well as Amateur Radio FAX, SSTV, RTTY and CW signals. It can
also transmit Amateur Radio FAX and SSTV. No external hardware, other than a
radio, is required, as all the necessary signal processing is implemented in
software. The main features include:
WEFAX, FAX, SSTV, colour SSTV, RTTY and CW operation.
Transmits 6 FAX modes, 8 monochrome SSTV modes, 10 colour SSTV modes.
FAX operation supports APT signal recognition and scheduled reception.
No external decoder or converter box is required.
Signal analysis is provided on all modes.
Many parameters are adjustable while receiving.
Full recovery from wrong mode settings is possible.
Program works in real time (about 1 second 'DSP' time lag)
The minimum system requirements are:
80386 processor with hard disk
EMS manager with 256 kilobytes of expanded memory *
VESA compatible SVGA graphics card
Sound Blaster compatible sound card
* EMS memory requirements depends on modes & resolutions used.
The files supplied on the floppy disk are compressed, and have to be
installed onto your hard disk before FTV can run. To install the software,
insert the floppy disk in drive A: and type "A:INSTALL". The software will be
installed in a sub-directory named C:\FTV.
Windows 95
FTV runs satisfactorily under Windows 95 with the following limitations:
Direct-X must be installed.
It runs only in full-screen mode.
Shelling to DOS while receiving results in signal loss.
Task-switching (Pressing Alt-Tab) while receiving or transmitting also
results in signal loss.
If Direct-X is not installed, you need to use a special MS-DOS shortcut
before you can use the program. This shortcut makes the computer reboot in a
special mode when FTV is going to be used.
This shortcut has been provided as "FTV.PIF". This file is copied to
the C:\WINDOWS\DESKTOP folder by the install program, and it may be
conveniently manipulated into the Start menu, as well as used directly to
launch FTV.
If you are using MS-DOS 5.0 or 6.0, you need to include the following
line in your CONFIG.SYS file:
The above line provides Expanded Memory Services (EMS) needed by FTV.
To run the program from DOS, type "FTV" in the C:\FTV sub-directory.
Plug & Play Sound Cards Under MS-DOS
If you have a Plug & Play Sound Card, make sure the card is initialized
properly before loading FTV. This may require the use of a Plug & Play
Configuration Manager and/or other utilities supplied with your card.
For example, if you have a Creative Sound Blaster AWE64, you must run
CTCM. This program is a Plug & Play Configuration Manager.
Before FTV can successfully decode images for the first time, it must
be supplied with a calibration parameter. The software will most probably not
work properly if this is not set up; specifically, received pictures may be
severely slanted, and the Automatic Mode Recognition facility will malfunction.
Many sound cards have crystal oscillator blocks which provide excellent
stability, but their frequency can be ±5% of the value marked. Because of this,
a correction parameter has to be provided by the user.
Start by decoding a station known to transmit at 120 LPM. Use (M)ode
(R)ate to set to 120 LPM. Receive a picture, and trim the line rate until the
picture is not slanting. Check out the adjusted line rate by using (M)ode
(R)ate again, only this time don't enter a value, just press ENTER.
Calibration parameter = 120 / (Adjusted LPM rate)
Use (S)etup (D)emodulator (C)alibration to set this parameter, and trim
it until no slant is visible when the rate is set to exactly 120 LPM.
Once the value of this parameter has been arrived at, load FTV with the
C:nnn command line option. This may be more conveniently achieved by using a
MS-DOS batch file.
Keep in mind that the LPM rate and other parameters may be adjusted
while receiving without ill effects. The cursor keys are assigned the 'Slant
adjust' function by default. Just press the left or right cursor keys for small
adjustments. Larger adjustments are made by using Ctrl-Left or Ctrl-Right.
One last complication: the clock calibration parameter needs to be
different for AM and FM. This presents no problem as long as the user is aware
of it, in any case, the difference is small enough to be easily recovered by
using the 'Slant adjust' functions.
Start the program by typing FTV. The program will run an integrity
test. If an 'Internal Error' is issued, it means the distributed files have
been modified in some way, possibly by a naughty virus, in which case it is
advisable to reboot from a clean floppy and run a virus scan on your hard
The program starts by testing the audio hardware & EMS memory manager.
If errors are encountered with the sound card, the program will warn you about
it, but it will not abort, making it possible to try out most features (except
reception / transmission itself).
If your computer does not have EMS memory, you will have to add a
memory manager to your 'config.sys' file, as outlined in section 3. About 120
kilobytes of EMS memory are required for every minute of received audio. So,
for 15 minute weather charts, around 1.8 megabytes are needed at maximum
resolution. If you do not have a lot of free EMS memory, you may increase the
Demodulator 'Sampling Window' parameter from 0.5 ms to 1 ms or more, with a
corresponding degradation of resolution. This parameter is accessed through
(S)etup (D)emodulator (W)indow.
If all goes well, the program will switch the display to graphics mode.
The default file 'ftv.tga' will be automatically loaded. The default graphics
mode is 640 x 480, 256 colours. If you press Enter, a blue menu bar with
yellow text will appear at the top of the screen.
If none of this happens, it is possible that your graphics card is not
compatible with the program. You may press F, followed by Q, to exit the
program. If the display is unstable, press Ctrl-Alt-Del immediately to minimize
the risk of damaging your monitor.
Some Super-VGA BIOS do not have VESA support built in, in which case
the program may report an error like "Mode not supported on this card". If this
happens, check your graphics card drivers disk for a VESA BIOS Extension
utility. This is a resident program which you install before using applications
that need VESA support. I know this is necessary for OAK VGA's, for example.
The main menu is displayed by pressing Enter.
Menu selections are made by pressing the relevant capital letter.
The main menu and its sub-menus may be closed by pressing Escape.
Cursor keys and Tab functions
The left / right cursor keys are assigned different functions by using
the Tab key. When used in conjunction with the Ctrl key, a coarse adjustment
is applied. In the case of the Pan function, up / down cursor keys also work.
Function Description
Mode Select a standard operating mode
Rate Adjust line rate (slant adjust)
Phase Adjust horizontal shift
Start Adjust frame start
Finish Adjust frame finish
Pan If zoomed, pan left, right, up or down.
Help screen and short cut keys
The help screen, outlining all short cut keys, may be displayed by
pressing F1.
Exercise 1: Pan and zoom
Here are some things you can try with the default picture loaded:
1. Press End a couple of times to zoom in (magnify),
2. Press Tab, and select Pan (by using the Tab key itself, or by
pressing P),
3. Use the cursor keys to pan around the image,
4. Press Ctrl-Home to zoom out (view all).
Exercise 2: Loading a picture
If the main menu is not displayed, press Enter until it does. Press
(F)ile (L)oad, select the file 'testcard.raw', and press Enter.
Exercise 3: Video control functions
This picture contains special patterns which will allow us to explore
various features of FTV. Try out the following video control functions:
1. Press F5 to increase the brightness, Shift-F5 to decrease,
2. Press F6 to increase the contrast, Shift-F6 to decrease,
3. Press F7 to invert the picture, and once more to restore,
4. Press Ctrl-F6 to set to Lithographic mode,
5. Press Ctrl-F5 to restore Brightness and Contrast to default
Exercise 4: Noise reduction
Now that the picture has been restored, we will explore the Noise
Reduction feature. The third block from the top, inside the circle, consists
of a black background, filled with simulated noise, with increasing intensity,
from left to right. Such impulse type noise can be filtered by FTV. As the
process is similar to low pass filtering, it has an effect on fine detail, as
will be seen on the mesh pattern in the block above.
Use (P)rocess (N)oise, and note how the higher intensity noise is
eliminated. The Noise Reduction threshold is adjustable, and the lower the
threshold, the greater the filtering. The default setting is 100.
Exercise 5: Image manipulation
It is possible to carry several image manipulation procedures,
concerning the orientation of the image, alignment with the display, and
The way the image is displayed is accessed through the View menu.
1. (V)iew (O)rientation (X)-mirror will mirror the picture,
2. (V)iew (O)rientation (Y)-flip will turn the picture upside down,
3. (V)iew (O)rientation (H)orizontal will rotate the picture,
4. (V)iew (O)rientation (D)efault will restore the normal view,
The following procedure is fundamental for FAX operation:
1. Press Tab, and select Rate (by using the Tab key itself, or by
pressing R),
2. Press the right cursor a few times, and note how the picture
slants. Using Ctrl-Right results in a coarse adjustment.
3. Press the left cursor a few times, to restore the picture. Don't
forget that you can use Ctrl-Left for a coarse adjustment.
Similarly, the picture may be shifted horizontally:
1. Press Tab, and select Phase (by using the Tab key itself, or by
pressing H),
2. Press the right cursor a few times, and note how the picture
shifts. Using Ctrl-Right results in a coarse adjustment.
3. Practice restoring the picture as above.
Sometimes, the top and/or bottom parts of the picture need to be
cropped. Start and Finish (when pressing Tab) provide a way to crop the top and
bottom of the picture.
Exercise 6: Loading a NOAA weather satellite image
Load the file 'noaa.raw'. The image consists of two monochrome frames,
as sensed by two separate channels on the satellite, infra red on the left, and
visible on the right. Note also that the image orientation is not correct.
Let us start by selecting the visible channel. Press (V)iew (P)an,
followed by Alt-2 to select ½ of the picture. We actually want the right half,
so press the right cursor key a few times until the selection has moved
squarely on the right. Press Enter to complete the selection.
Incidentally, after having pressed (V)iew (P)an and zoom, the following
functions are available:
1. Use cursor keys to move or size the selection (Tab toggles between
Pan & Zoom),
2. Use Home to enlarge the selection, End to reduce the selection,
3. Use 1,2,3,4 to select a segment, row-wise,
4. Use Alt-1,2,3,4 to select a segment column-wise,
5. Press Enter when ready.
These functions have one main shortcoming: there is no allowance for
picture orientation. So you will only zoom to the intended area when
orientation is set to default. In addition, pan & zoom functions don't have any
effect on colour SSTV images.
Once the intended segment is displayed, use F5 & F6 to increase the
brightness and contrast. Use (V)iew (O)rientation (X)-mirror and (V)iew
(O)rientation (Y)-flip to set the correct picture orientation. The picture
should now show a clear view of Europe, the Mediterranean, and North Africa.
Note that the Island of Malta (246 sq. km), and Gozo (67 sq. km) are distinct.
Here is proof that you don't need mega-bucks or exotic equipment to
receive such an image. I received this picture using an unsuitable turnstile
antenna (cut for 145 MHz), a home-brew RF converter (which converts 137-138 MHz
down to 95-96 MHz), and a regular FM broadcast receiver (Sangean ATS803A).
Exercise 7: Loading a colour SSTV picture
Load the file 'lady.raw'. This picture was received off-air and saved
directly to disk.
The sync response can be set by using Shift-F8, to Free-run, Standard
or Super. Set to Free-run mode and note its benefits - the ragged edges,
particularly around the callsign banner and left margin, smoothen up. Free-run
mode is recommended for off-air operation. Its disadvantage is that
synchronization will not be achieved unless the Line Rate is precisely set.
Press Ctrl-Right once, to temporarily uncalibrate the Line Rate. You
will notice that the bottom left part of the picture changes colour. Further
uncalibration will of course result in a completely garbled picture. FTV has a
special function to the rescue, Phase/sync lock (Ctrl-F8), which will analyze
the image and trim the Line Rate accordingly. This function may have to be
invoked more than once, for severe cases. Try it now!
For SSTV colour modes, I have provided two display modes. TrueColour
mode provides 256k colours, providing very accurate colour rendition, but the
resulting picture is of reduced brightness. Dithered mode results in a picture
of normal brightness, but colour rendition is not so good. Press Ctrl-F7 to
toggle between TrueColour and Dithered modes.
For those of you who do not know how colour SSTV works, try (M)ode
(F)ax. This will redisplay the picture as a FAX, and three separate frames,
corresponding to green, red and blue, appear. Inverting the image (F7) will
reveal a bright white vertical band at the screen margins, which is the
synchronization (sync) signal.
The sync signal is used as a marker at the start of each line, and the
primary colour segments follow in sequence. A composite colour picture is then
assembled by FTV.
Exercise 8: Loading a tape-recorded colour SSTV picture
Load the file 'sealand.raw'. This picture was recorded on a tape
In the old days, it was only possible to store images on tape!
Unfortunately, when playing back tape recorded SSTV images, they sometimes
acquire characteristic wavy effects. This is due to wow & flutter and tape
Press (M)ode (F)ax to see how warped the picture really is! Then press
(M)ode (C)olour to restore the picture.
Regarding sync response (Shift-F8), Super is recommended for tape
Something on Sound Cards
If you are using a stereo sound card, it is a good idea to apply the
signal to both channels. This may be easily done by shorting the tip & ring of
the stereo jack plug that goes into the sound card.
The connection may be direct, or through a 1:1 transformer. Using a
transformer reduces the likelihood of RF noise from the computer getting into
the radio. In any case, use screened leads.
All Sound Blaster compatible cards should work with this program.
However, it may be necessary to set up your mixer before using FTV, so that on
record, the correct input is selected. It is also possible to shell to DOS
temporarily and run the mixer utility program that came with your card. The
received audio monitor is controlled by the F10 key.
WEFAX reception
The WEFAX video sub-carrier is a 2.4 kHz AM signal. As a consequence,
it requires careful gain settings, unlike FM. Automatic Gain Control (AGC) will
distort the signal, precluding the use of the Microphone input. The Line Input
will have to be used instead.
1. To switch to AM mode, use (M)ode (D)emod (A)m.
2. To switch to FAX mode, use (M)ode (F)ax
3. Then, press (R)x to start reception.
The 'Tuning Scope' is displayed. The input level is displayed on top,
along with memory status. Set the input level, by adjusting the volume knob on
your radio, so that the signal fills the gray region without reaching into the
blue or red regions. The gray region represents a range of 0% (bottom) to 100%
(top) modulation.
Press Escape to quit the 'Tuning Scope'. The received signal is
displayed in real-time. You may work on the image while it is still being
received, for example, the Rate, Phase, Brightness, Contrast and Orientation
may all be adjusted, and the signal may be analyzed too. When reception is
complete, press st(O)p, and you may then save the image.
FAX reception
The FAX video sub-carrier is a 1.9kHz FM signal, with a deviation of
±400Hz. Unlike AM, gain settings are not critical, and AGC will have a
beneficial effect. The use of the Microphone input is recommended, but using
the Line Input is also possible.
As FAX is the default mode, in practice, receiving FAX is as simple as
loading the program and pressing (R)x. Automatic Mode Analysis will do the
rest. If required, FTV may be forced to use FAX mode by pressing (M)ode (F)ax.
The 'Tuning Scope' is displayed. The input level is displayed on top,
along with memory status. Keep the input level close to 100% by adjusting the
volume knob on your radio. Check visually that the signal is not clipped, and
is located squarely in the gray region. The gray area represents a range of
1.5kHz (bottom) to 2.3kHz (top).
<pic> The start signal, where the carrier is modulated by a 300 Hz tone
<pic> The phasing signal, consisting of a white line, interrupted by a black
<pic> A FAX chart, with white symbols on a black background.
Press Escape to quit the 'Tuning Scope'. On leaving the Tuning Scope,
Mode Analysis is automatically applied; if a FAX signal is detected, the Mode,
Line Rate and Phasing will be adjusted.
The received signal is displayed in real-time. You may work on the
image while it is still being received, in the same way as for WEFAX.
If the wrong side-band is selected, a negative image will result,
however this may be easily rectified by pressing F7 (Invert).
SSTV reception
SSTV reception is similar to FAX. Again, receiving SSTV is as simple as
loading the program and pressing (R)x. Automatic Mode Analysis will do the
rest. If required, FTV may be forced to use SSTV mode by pressing (M)ode
Tuning SSTV signals requires more care than FAX. The correct side-band
must be selected, such that the sync pulses appear in the blue region of the
'Tuning Scope'.
<pic> A staircase signal is shown opposite; this is a commonly encountered
pattern used to test the gray scale.
On leaving the Tuning Scope, Mode Analysis is automatically applied; if
an SSTV signal is detected, this will set the Mode and Line Rate. It will also
trim the noise band preceding the image.
When Mode Analysis (F8) or Phase / sync lock (Ctrl-F8) are conducted on
a static image (raw file loaded from disk, or after Rx has been stopped), both
preceding and trailing noise bands are cropped, if both are within 20% of the
image size. The line rate is also trimmed.
SSTV line sync mode (Shift-F8) controls the way the image is
Colour SSTV reception
Colour SSTV reception is similar to monochrome SSTV. Again, press (R)x,
and Automatic Mode Analysis will do the rest. If required, FTV may be forced to
use Colour SSTV mode by pressing (M)ode (C)olour.
Two functions have been provided specifically for Colour SSTV. These include:
1. Gamma correction (F7)
2. TrueColour / Dithered (Ctrl-F7)
If a frame starts with noise, automatic Phase / sync lock (Ctrl-F8) may
not be enough to achieve line lock. This is particularly true when the noise in
question consists of fragments of other transmissions. In such a case, trim the
top of the frame manually until line lock is achieved.
It is recommended to save Colour SSTV frames in RAW format, if you
intend to view or manipulate them with FTV.
FAX / SSTV transmission
Only TGA files may be transmitted. The procedure is as follows:
1. Load a TGA file,
2. Press (T)x to display the transmission menu,
3. Use left/right cursor keys to select a mode,
4. Press (T)ext if you would like to show/hide/edit the text banner,
5. Press Enter to start transmission (Press any key to abort the
Set the output power level on your transmitter conservatively. FAX and
SSTV are 100% duty cycle modes, with transmissions lasting several minutes;
solid state transmitters will get quite warm in the process.
Care must also be taken not to over-modulate your transmitter. Adjust
the Mic Gain control while keeping an eye on the ALC meter. If output level
from the sound card exceeds the level needed by the transmitter, an external
potentiometer may need to be inserted between the sound card audio output and
the transmitter microphone input.
RTTY reception
Press (M)ode (B)audot. The display reverts to text mode, and FTV is in
a state of continuous reception. Logging appends to the file 'ftv-rtty.log'.
The functions available are shown below:
Key Label Description Settings
F1 Baud rate Set baud rate 30-300 baud
F2 Polarity Set keying polarity Normal / reverse
F3 Unshift Controls how shift is released Normal / On space
F4 Errors Controls if errors are displayed Shown / masked
F5 Restart Clears buffer and restarts reception -
F6 CatScan Shells to CatScan program -
F7 Logging Logs data to disk -
F8 Analyze Signal analysis -
F9 Scope Tuning scope -
F10 Quit Return to FTV -
Tab - Toggle between Baudot and Morse Baudot / Morse
<pic> A single RTTY character is shown opposite. The initial (idle) state is
Mark. This is followed by a start bit, followed by five symbols
'10110', followed by a stop bit (shown extended).
CW reception
Press (M)ode (M)orse. The display reverts to text mode, and FTV is in a
state of continuous reception. Logging appends to the file 'ftv-rtty.log'. The
functions available are shown below:
Key Label Description Settings
F1 Speed wpm Set keying rate 5-50 wpm
F2 Auto Set to estimated keying rate -
F4 Errors Controls if errors are displayed Shown / masked
F5 Restart Clears buffer and restarts reception -
F6 CatScan Shells to CatScan program -
F7 Logging Logs data to disk -
F9 Scope Tuning scope -
F10 Quit Return to FTV -
Tab - Toggle between Baudot and Morse Baudot / Morse
<pic> The Morse letter V (dot-dot-dot-dash) is shown opposite. Note that
here, the signal is considered active when it is within the two yellow
Further information
One thing that in rare cases may need setting up is the (S)etup
(D)emodulator (G)rid filter. Incorrect setting of this parameter will result
in a faintly perticible grid of very widely spaced dots. The coarseness of
these dots increases with slower PC's. On my computer, which has a 486DX 33MHz
CPU, it is set to 2. Increase this parameter until the grid no longer appears
when a 1.9 kHz sine wave of about 1V r.m.s. is injected into the sound card.
Automatic FAX reception
Automatic FAX reception provides a way to realize unattended monitoring
of a service. It relies on the 300Hz start tone and 450 Hz stop tone that are
part of the APT (Automatic Picture Transmission) format. Received images are
saved automatically to disk.
Scheduled FAX reception
Scheduled FAX reception provides a way to monitor specific products by
using a schedule file. The schedule file may include calls to other DOS
programs, for computer aided receiver control. For example, in conjunction with
the Cat-Scan program, a frequency database may be queried and the strongest
signal in a group of frequencies selected automatically.
Schedule files have an SKD extension, and may be loaded either from the
command line, using the F:<file> option, or by using (A)uto (S)cheduled-rx.
Schedule files consist of plain text, with commands in the following format:
Command Description
T <time start> <duration> [info] Set time (UTC)
X <command line> Execute DOS command
R[d] <Lpm> <Modulation> [info] Receive picture(s)
S <time> Start over (typically after 00:00)
* Time format is hhmm
* The D option ignores APT signals & dumps the entire received signal to
disk. Otherwise, regular APT reception is used.
* Modulation is AM or FM.
* The INFO field is meant for annotation purposes. It is appended to the
log file entry.
When invoked, FTV will locate the first applicable entry in the
schedule. As all times are in Zulu, the TZ environment variable must be set. An
example schedule file follows:
T 0230 15 "GYA - 0230 - BROADCAST SCHEDULE" (1)
X CatScan GYA LSB F (2)
R 120 FM (3)
T 1600 18 "NAM - 1600 - SAT Image VT 1545Z" (4)
X CatScan 8080.0 LSB F (5)
Rd 120 FM (6)
S 0000 (7)
1. Let us assume that the above schedule is invoked at 0100Z. FTV will wait
until it is 0230Z.
2. It will then invoke the CatScan program, to set up the receiver. (In this
case, CatScan will look up the frequency database, extract the various
frequencies associated with callsign GYA, and get the strongest signal. It
will set the radio to LSB and apply the appropriate 1.9kHz shift).
3. FTV will enter receive mode, at 120 Lpm, FM. Start and stop signals will be
monitored and multiple pictures saved separately. At 0246Z, FTV will stop
receiving. If an incomplete picture is present, it is saved.
4. FTV will wait for 1600Z.
5. It will again invoke CatScan (it will set the radio to 8080.0kHz LSB and
apply the appropriate 1.9kHz shift).
6. FTV will enter receive mode, at 120 Lpm, FM. This time, start and stop
signals are ignored and the entire 18 minutes are dumped to disk. At 1619Z,
FTV will stop receiving.
7. FTV will wait for 0000Z. The schedule will then restart.
FAX browser
Pictures saved during Automatic FAX reception and Scheduled FAX
reception may be browsed using the (A)uto (B)rowse function. It is possible to
delete unwanted pictures, and to manipulate and save the desired ones. The log
of received pictures is kept in the file 'ftv-auto.log'.
Conditions for use
This program is licensed for Amateur Radio use only. It may be copied
and used by all radio amateurs as long as it is distributed in whole and
without profit. The collection of files on the distribution disk must be
distributed in an unmodified form. Unlicensed commercial distribution is
The author provides absolutely no warranty. The program is supplied "as
is", and you may use it at your own risk. In no event will the author be
liable for any damages arising out of the use of this program. An integrity
test has been built into the program to reduce the likelihood of virus
Bug reports, suggestions and feedback are welcome. For contact
information, see below.
Registration and ordering
If you wish to support FTV, you may choose to register your copy of the
software. Your registration, while aiding the continued evolution of the
program, entitles you to free upgrades when newer versions are released.
To order your registered copy, send a self addressed label together
with a cheque for 25 US$ to my postal address below. Don't forget to write down
your callsign, name and address clearly, for registration purposes. Latest
information will be supplied with the disk.
Contact information
Postal address: Brian E. Cauchi,
Gawhra, Domenico Cachia Street,
Birkirkara BKR06, MALTA.
Email address: briane@geocities.com
Web page: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/2504
F T V - WEFAX, FAX, SSTV, RTTY and CW software - User's manual - End of file